To my dearest Skippers community.
I am writing this from my home office, which I haven’t left in over two weeks but to sleep and take a walk. It has been 20 days since we moved our Voyagers’ community to distance learning because of the call to protect our global community. Since I founded this school in 2004, the safety and welfare of those entrusted to our care has been, is now — and will always be — our top priority.
While we are still unable to say when we can gather on campus as one Voyagers’ community, we remain firmly committed to offering you, in this remote learning environment, the personalized education that you expect from us, enabling each and every one of our Skippers’ to continue to make progress in their intellectual journey.
Although there is much uncertainty in these unprecedented times, there are also things to find hope in. Watching videos of our Skippers stocking the food pantry outside the school, seeing the smiles of joy on the face of students on our all-school calls singing happy birthday, listening to the stories parents and children alike are sharing at our #VoyagersAtHome drive, these are all things I find comfort in, and I hope you do as well.
Every teacher, administrator, and staff member at Voyagers’ has heard students and families say, “Voyagers’ is more like a family than a school” and it is in our community’s darkest moments that this family shines brightest. I know that as parents you all have a tremendous amount on your plate right now. This is clear from our conversations, from posts in the VCO Facebook group, and from late night phone calls I have had with many of you. I have never been more proud of you, the families who make this vibrant community as incredible as it is. You are all balancing new work situations, economic uncertainty, and having your students home with you 24/7. This is a new normal.
The staff has been working around the clock to ensure you have the resources you need to help connect and keep your Skipper on track. I do not have the appropriate words to express how grateful I am to have a staff that truly cares for each and every child in our community as if they were their own.
I am reminded of a quote attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt. She said: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” I am so grateful to all of you for living this maxim right now. From the bottom of my heart: thank you. I know together, we will weather this storm and make Voyagers’ Community School better than ever.
As always, I am humbled to be in your service.
Karen Giuffre’