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  • Let’s Talk About “Back To School”

    As parents, grandparents, students, teachers, and community leaders ready ourselves for another school year for our children, we should ask of our test and standards-driven schools around the country, “Is that all there is…
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  • Can Learning Be Made Real?

    When exploring education options for children, parents often encounter words like progressive, experiential, and project-based. They wonder, what in the world this is about. Often the explanations are incomplete and lack tangible examples. Despite…
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  • Exploration and Wondering

    “Though we often see ourselves as separate from nature, humans are also part of that wildness.” Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods. Few people have spent time thinking about our disconnect from nature. In…
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  • Teaching the Hard Stuff

    Having read the title, you are most likely expecting an article about calculus, physics or the analysis of poetry. For some, these were the more challenging school subjects. However, the everyday issues at the core…
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  • Building Resilience in Children

    At our school, during tours, professional development meetings, and day-to-day conversations, it is common to hear adults, when talking about children, to state with certainty, “Anything is possible.” “Children are nimble.” “They can…
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  • Privacy Comes with Agency

    I recently read Danah Boyd’s book, It’s Complicated and was sparked to write about privacy, a topic I speak to faculty and students about regularly. For most of my life, invoking privacy meant…
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  • Let’s Pursue New and Broad Possibilities

    Columnist Andreas Schleicher, in, frets, “It’s so much easier to educate students for our past, than for their future. The biggest risk to schooling today isn’t its inefficiency; our way of…
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  • Voyagers’ Community School is OPEN

    We are open for all infants, toddlers and preschoolers now. It is so heartwarming to see our youngest Skipper playing in the front yard and reconnecting with their teachers and first friends. As September approaches…
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